Feminine Wisdom

This knowledge of female wisdom is very close to us in many ways, but busy as we are doing our tasks in life and preoccupied as we are by our everyday thoughts, we are not able to recognize this knowledge. And we are not able to appreciate their deep meaning, their true meaning. But now you have the possibility to look to your life with different eyes and change it for the better, if you want.

One of the most important things in life is: Your divine body.  

Your body is the instrument with which we come into this world. We are not born with a name, a family name or a nationality, but we are born with a physical body. We don't have an address yet, no habits; we can't walk nor talk, all of this we will have to learn. And to us is given a beautiful and perfect instrument to learn: the physical body. 

Your body is your basis, your fundament, your most important truth. Your body is your connection with the outside world. There is nothing on earth that is more close to you than your own body. Even the person in your life you love the most is not able to come closer to you than your body is. But curious enough it is this body of yours you fail to notice most of the time. Very often you do not give it the attention it asks for and condemn it. Why does it happen like this? Because ever since you were a little child you were taught to neglect your body and to be ashamed for it. Your body is the basis of your sexuality and sexuality is condemned in society. And this is not something of this time, people have been condemning sexuality for thousands of years. Humanity has cultivated a great fear towards sexuality and is used to condemn the physical body. That why the concept of original sin of the body is deeply rooted in your way of perceiving the world. 

Not long ago I was a guest in a nice big house where a nice family was living. This wasn't just a house, it was a true family place. Under the same roof were living three families, the parents with their two children and their families. De youngest inhabitants of his house were a little girl and her little nephew. The boy was six years old and the girl had only recently turned four. Like many children of their age, they enjoyed it very much to take a bath together. In this house they have a big Jacuzzi and the children were used to play in there together. Until very recently the children played there together, naked and without shame, for them this was very natural. But not long ago grandma put a halt to this "scandal". She made sure that their parents paid close attention that these children were wearing underwear while playing in the tub together. For it is very indecent for a boy and a girl to see each other without any clothes on. Imagine what will happen to the children when they are told with this emotion of condemnation to wear their underwear inside the tub, and outside the bath the change their underwear in the presence of each other. These children don't know yet that the body is something that you have to cover and have to be ashamed of, but unfortunately very soon they will feel this way too. Probably you will be able to recognize a similar situation in your life, if you feel like it you can share your impressions and feelings with us, or ask us any question you might have about similar cases in your life, just write us an email. 

I think that you were probably more than once exalted by the beauty of a flower or a tree or a rock, you were enchanted by the beauty of a wild animal, but were you ever exalted by the beauty of your own body? Your body is the most wondrous phenomenon, no flower, no tree, no rock, no animal has a body as beautiful as yours. Somebody may have taught you to appreciate the beauty of nature, but has someone ever taught you to respect your own body, the most perfect creation of nature? When somebody is exalted by a flower, people say that is such an esthetic person, but when somebody looks with the same exaltation to a beautiful male or female body, people say this is not correct, it is indecent and this person should be ashamed of itself.

The body needs respect, the body should be loved and you should look at your body as if it were the biggest creation of God, because that is just what it is. I know it is not easy to begin to respect your body, because you are not used to do it. But you can understand that before someone else will be able to love your body, you yourself need to love it and respect it first. The vibrations of your own lack of respect and self condemnation will otherwise chase away the person, that can give you happiness. There is this law that states: 'The love you feel for yourself is the love people feel towards you, but it is impossible to love yourself if you feel repulsion and condemnation towards your own body.

I will tell you a little secret, once a woman starts to accept herself as she is, she is becoming more and more beautiful! And this happens really fast and people in your environment start to notice these changes in you. When you start to love your own body, people around you will share in the joy. Many people fall in love with you for you have fallen in love with yourself.

And now at this moment you are not happy with yourself, you criticize your body, you are not content with certain parts of your body, such a way of looking at yourself will not help you to get appreciation from others. 

You are incontent because your body doesn't totally match certain standards, but the paradox is that the most beautiful women with the most perfect bodies always have some critical remarks about their bodies. Even movie stars and top models to whom the world is watching, experience certain complexes about their appearance and they undergo plastic surgery in order to find relieve. The body itself is never the source of the problems, all problems appear in our minds. No animal ever suffers because it has certain assumptions about how it's body should be, no animal, not even an hippo, why are you any different? Only the human mind is capable of producing these problems. 

Shall we decide from now on that we will not suffer any longer from this foolishness. Your body is your property, it is a gift from God, use her and enjoy it to the fullest! If you love your body, she will heal from the inside out, she will transform. When you love a person, you start to give this person your attention, you care about this person and to be able to be caring wisdom and understanding is necessary. And when you will start to give attention to the body, you will start to listen very carefully to all the needs she has, what and how much to eat, how long to sleep, your body will tell you all this! Does she want to do exercises; does she want to run, to dance, to visit the sauna? Nobody has ever asked our body what it is she wants. In our earliest years she might had to be wrapped up, later grown up people told us to sit still, to move, to finish our meal, to sleep. The fact is that your body loves to move! You will find out about this when you will start to listen to your feelings. Change the way you perceive your body and during 6 months you will notice that the shape of your body is changing. 

It looks like the way love changes a woman, she becomes beautiful as soon as she falls in love with someone... so fall in love with yourself and you will see how your body responds to that with joy and gratefulness! Your body has been waiting so patiently for your attention and appreciation for so long. She was even sick by grieve when you neglected her too much. 

 How to start this new LOVE relationship? 

The first thing you should start with, is learning to get into a state of deep and total relaxation, you should learn to free your body of tensions and suppressions. Look to the people around you ,why are we blocked like that? Because that is the way our body can fixate all our negative thoughts and emotions. Tension blocks the biological energy, the energy of our bodies and makes our posture, our movements and our gestures disharmonic. Then our natural grace and charm flow away, only to be left to see in animals and children, and illnesses come inside of us.

Have you ever observed a sleeping cat? How easy and natural it is for her to relax and at the same time she stays alert and full of attention? In case of the slightest danger, she is up on her feet ready to move. And when the danger has gone, the cat is relaxed and free from worries. If you have this beautiful creature at your house, observe her and try to feel yourself like a cat that is enjoying his relaxed state in the afternoon sunshine. This role suits you very much. Try to relax during the day, when certain tasks are done, while sitting or standing in public transport, when you walk, try to relax the muscles of your face, your neck and belly. Try to relax all muscles that don’t need to work at this moment, relax your chest and start to breathe peacefully and deeply in your stomach. Immediately you can feel how fatigue and irritation are leaving you. You will feel an unexpected rise of energy that fills up your body, energy that is freed from blocks that stopped to exist.