Relationships in Love

Since ancient times, scientists have tried to answer the question:  Is the soul eternal?  This pondering amazes the wiser ones.  In fact, God created the eternal soul, and the soul is eternal by nature.  Any plant or animal is part of this eternal soul.  Any living essence has not only one, but many similar essences.  Actually, any living essence is similar to a factory that creates inferior substances, such as food, water, air, and it serves as the imprint for superior substances: such as the physical body, mind, and the emotions.
One of the most superior substances in the organism is  sexual energy, which is capable of generating a new living body.  In a laboratory, no scientist is capable of producing the smallest living cell, whereas sexual energy  is capable of creating a very complicated mechanism: our body.  This is the reason why, in antiquity, sex was considered sacred.  People adored sex and fertility, seeing in sex the most superior creative power of life on Earth.

But in addition to reproduction, sexual energy has more amazing functions that influence the daily activities of a person: sexual energy helps to receive the subtlest and highest impressions.

This is accentuated especially in the moment of sexual awakening, when a young person begins to ponder for the first time upon the meaning of life.  But, they face a society, which seeks to control life, and then the young  protest actively against everything dead and dogmatic that they see.  There is creative desire, not standardized declaration.  At this age, many youngsters begin to write poems, music, start to draw etc., expressing creativity.

Some years later, the state of youth finishes, it happens as soon as sexual energy finds its realization in the traditional manner – in the creation of family and giving birth to children.
If people really understood that a different use of this energy might take a person to miraculous results, like developing the conscience, discovering hidden talents and abilities, great health and vitality; perhaps they would be ready to explore other possibilities. This wisdom was something ancient wise people practiced in their spiritual and religious systems of development.  Some were using asceticism; which means the conservation and directing the sexual energy towards a higher purpose. The cessation of physical sex and, what is even more important, cessation of sexual imagination, enables the discovery of personal hidden talents and abilities. Others were using the path of Tantra, which uses wisdom of natural sexual interaction to seek higher goals, like the ascetics.

When the adolescents integrate the sexual center, there begins a time of flourishing, the same as plants and flowers.  The flowers would represent the genital organs and their beauty and aroma would represent the manifestation of their superior energy, which always amazes us. This also happens with a person who has her own charm. Nevertheless, unlike plants- that show themselves such as they are -, people are influenced by an ignorant society, which dictates that sex and everything connected to it is  considered “dirty”, dishonorable, sinful and immoral.

The enormous quantity of fears and taboos about sex lead many to a high degree of sexual illiteracy, which does not allow adolescents to develop their sexuality fully and to express it correctly. This leads to the development of mental deviations as, for example, misogyny and total lack of libido.  Multiple physical illnesses of the ourogenital system as well as of other parts of the body are often linked to these kinds of sexual problems. Without overcoming the complexes and prejudices created by an ignorant society, young people cannot discover their human essence, let it bloom and find happiness and discover their talents and abilities.

When we are about to choose a partner, it is important to remember that people’s level of existence is not equal and that a fulfilling relationship as well as good interaction is impossible when the other has a very low level of self-development.  People at this level are often pathologically jealous, selfish (sometimes to the point of being cruel), drop outs or they suffer from severe physical and mental pathologies.  Having interaction with such people destroys one’s life and fills it up with continuous suffering, preventing all possibilities of obtaining happiness and attaining development.  Tantric relationships with such persons are impossible as, in tantric relationships both persons in the couple must be strong and have a very high essence.

Three types of people: how to match them for harmonious relationships?

All people can be divided in three categories:  intellectual people (type 3), emotional people (type 2) and physical people (type 1). Naturally, harmonious interactions are only possible amongst people of identical types: 3-3, 2-2, 1-1, whereas people of different types cannot understand each other.

People can, further, be divided into four temperaments: phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric and sanguine. It is recommended that partners should belong either to the same or to complementary temperaments: phlegmatic (earth) with phlegmatic (earth), melancholic (water) with melancholic (water) or melancholic with phlegmatic (water-earth) and choleric with sanguine (fire and air). Phlegmatic and melancholic types interact badly with choleric and sanguine people.

In addition, people can also be divided according to planetary types. In this case it is recommended to choose a partner of a compatible planetary type. The “star of magicians” determines the combination according to planetary types. The precise determination of the planetary type of a partner requires a great knowledge, which can be attained at our School.

Interaction of planetary types:

Planetary type
Positive interaction
Negative interaction
Sun, Mars
Sun, Jupiter
Saturn, Mars
Sun, Jupiter, Mars
Saturn, Mercury
Venus, Mercury
Moon, Saturn
Jupiter, Mercury
Mercury, Venus
Mars, Moon
Sun, Venus

In the case of polygamic marriages there is no need to take types into strict account as the qualities of one partner complement those of the other partners allowing, thus, for a great union.

It is necessary to remember that if you do not only want a sexual relationship, but would also like to live together, you and your partner must be like-minded.

When people think differently and have different viewpoints of and purposes in life, they cannot harmoniously interact with each other and will remain strangers. This point is especially meaningful with regards to spiritual people, who are on the path of Tantra.

In antiquity, priests who possessed a great knowledge about types used to supervise the correct matched of a couple. Nowadays, however, this knowledge is lost and it can only be found in the ‘School for harmonious relationships’. When people of compatible types find each other, they are enriched and can help each other to flower and develop and their union is very happy and harmonious. However, for a correct interaction it is not enough just to find the right partner, but also to correctly arrange correctly their common life.

Yet, the whole decadent public moral as well as people’s ignorance in sexual matters are against it.

Why is it that in this developed era, when spaceships are sent to the space and people have been on the Moon, sexual matters are ruled by medieval ignorance, great fears and taboos? What is that hides beyond a stubborn silence this side of life?

The suppression of sexuality was already known in antiquity. Even then, many rulers understood that, in order to control people and turn free people into slaves, it was necessary to suppress their sexuality, exactly in the same way as it is done with animals: bulls and horses are, in facts, castrated in order to be transformed into working slaves. In this way, a horse is turned into an obedient mule that no longer expresses any resistance to the man who exploits his heavy work.

Rebellious slaves were also castrated in order to stop upheavals amongst them.

Matters are, however, more complex when it comes to common people. If everybody were castrated, who would have given birth to new soldiers for the king? As a way of dealing with this need, rather than forcing castration on people, they started to suppress their sexuality by means of prohibitions, fears and the cultivation of aversion to sex, seen as dirty and shameful.

Indeed, if we take as an example a sexually free lady's man or a geisha or heterae, we can easily see how these would not want to do manual labor or die in war.

It is, however, fairly easy to imagine a sexually closed person in the above roles. Initially, sexual prohibitions had a religious nature. When the communists took power in Russia they began to deny religion. In public squares the first Komsomol members walked naked holding banners on which it was written: "Cut the shame!". This state of affairs did not last for long:  Stalin understood that if he did not suppress sexuality, it would be impossible to control people! With him, therefore, these kinds of demonstrations ended and, again, under the slogan that ‘ in the Soviet Union there was neither sex or prostitution’ the suppression of any expression of sexuality began.

When sex becomes tantra, development starts

When taking any situation as a practice, tantric practices can be done in very ordinary social life. Yet, it is not possible to understand how to do them without the guidance of aTeacher, and this is because people fall asleep very fast, easily identify themselves with any trifle and forget what they had set as their own target. People, normally, only remember what they had been told as children as well as the desires and instincts that awake within themselves, demanding prompt satisfaction.

Only after reaching a sufficiently high level of development - and always under the guidance of a Teacher – tantric students can master Maithuna, ritual practices with a partner aimed at controlling and using sexual energy for the pursuit of inner harmony, health, and higher consciousenss.

Sex is the force of reproduction and, as well, a method of organizing all living beings into social slavery as, practically, all ethic dictations, taboos and prohibitions are connected with sex. Consequently, the most serious psychological diseases and deviations appear because of sexual enslavement and the rebellion of an unhealthy imagination, which thrives on sexual energy. Practically, the whole of society is impregnated with one faith, one religion, one cult, that of reproduction and its derivatives: family and kinship. No matter where people position themselves, whether they are atheist, Christian, Muslims, fascist or profess any other credo, the 99% of human beings is imbued with the belief in the cult of reproduction.

People still live in complete sexual illiteracy, which poses very serious obstacles on the way of tantric sexual practices.  It follows that all people’s evil and unawareness stem from sexual regulations, depression and the total use of sexual energy almost exclusively for the traditional way of reproduction: family -> kinship -> country -> …….and wars amongst sexes, families, kinship and countries. Reproduction and death go hand in hand as, for example, with wars.

To pull sexual energy out from this riverbed and redirect it towards development is, thus, a fairly complex task because, as it has been explained above, social, natural, familial and educational forces are all against it.

This is precisely why the real tantric mystery of maithuna is only suitable for highly spiritual, highly conscious and strong individualities capable of resisting the influence of all these forces.